We deliver globally with a secure, tracked shipping method, for the fastest & most reliable service for free.
Your security is our priority. We use multiple trusted payment providers to ensure your transactions are processed securely and efficiently. Shop with confidence knowing your payment details are protected.
Didn't fit? - No problem! You can always return or exchange. We offer a 30 day returns or exchange policy if you are not happy with your order for whatever reason.
At Morgan Toronto, you’re at the heart of everything we do. We blend sustainable style with timeless design because looking good and doing good should always go hand in hand. Your satisfaction means the world to us as we work together to make a positive impact.
If you have any question or special need, please feel free to contact us.
Monday - Friday: 9:00-18:00
Saturday: 9:00-18:00
Sunday: 10:00-17:00